From the depths of my heart.....

BY SALAWU RASAKI My heart bleeds as i watch ,helplessly, the world plunging into a moral abyss with tremendous speed.... This, unfortunately, is aided by the fact that the religious and moral vanguards have all surprisingly chosen to remain silent... For those that have spoken, the deafening noise of the propagandists of immorality has suppressed their calls for a return to morality... It is now seen as "immoral" in the mordern context to view morality in a context different from what the vanguards of this immoral-crusade view it.. Immorality is being promoted under the guise of freedom.. Freedom of expression has been used to promote indecent dressing, same sex marriages, nudism etc.... The mordern definition of "freedom" is one with flexible boundaries; once it promotes their interests, one is expressing his/her rights BUT when it is against their plotted direction that they intend the world to follow, it becomes oppresion.. How can a woman who chose to wear hijab be declared as "oppressed" and forced to abandon it all in the name of Liberation?? Liberation from what?, I am forced to enquire.. How sincere can the feelings of a third party regarding oppression be when the so-called "oppressed" cries that he/she loves the status quo?? It is a pity that the world is plunging to an all-time low and her saviours can do little to prevent her fall as most of them fall along with the world... WHAT CAN WE DO TO REVERSE THIS TREND??? Lot of Visitors
