Nigeria documented thousands of offences against property, person and lawful authority in 2017

Latest report from the National Bureau of Statistics in Nigeria shows that a total of 134,663 cases were reported in 2017. Offences against property, person and lawful authority were reported mostly.
According to the report, “Offence against property has the highest number of cases reported with 68,579 of such cases reported. Offence against persons recorded 53,641 cases reported while offence against lawful authority recorded the least with 12,443 cases recorded respectively.”
“Lagos State has the highest percentage share of total cases reported with 50,975 (37.9%) cases recorded. Abia and Delta State followed closely with 12,408(9.2%) and 7,150(5.3%) cases recorded respectively. Kebbi State has the lowest percentage share of total cases reported with 205(0.2%) cases recorded. Kogi and Bauchi States followed closely with 282(0.20%) and 386(0.30%) cases recorded respectively.”
