2025 global’s 10% physical activity target remains unattainable as people had insufficient physical activity for 15 years

A new study from a group of researchers published on The Lancet indicates that people did not participate in recreational activities from 2001 to 2016 as expected, indicating the possibility of not realizing 2025 global's 10% target for physical activity. 
The study, which considered the views of 1.9 million people from 168 countries, reveals that between 2001 and 2016 levels of insufficient activity were stable with the highest insufficient activity in women who resided in Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia and high-income countries.
“The lowest levels were in men from Oceania, East and South East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Prevalence in 2016 was more than twice as high in high-income countries as in low-income countries, and insufficient activity has increased in high-income countries over time,” the research notes.
Based on the current trends, the researchers observe that “the 2025 global physical activity target (a 10% relative reduction in insufficient physical activity) will not be met,” calling on concerned stakeholders especially governments to develop policies that will increase population levels of physical activity need.   
