In August, StatsMauritius says Mauritius’ inflation rate was 0.9%

A new report on the inflation rate for Mauritius released by the StatsMauritius, the country’s agency for statistics, indicates that the inflation rate in August was 0.9%. According to the report “The headline inflation rate for the twelve months ending August 2018 works out to 3.7%, compared to 3.0% for the twelve months ending August 2017. The year-on-year inflation rate for August 2018, as measured by the change in the CPI for August 2018 relative to August 2017 works out to 0.9%.”
The report adds that vegetables, traders’ rice and air tickets contributed to the rate significantly between July and August within the index approach. Between July and August, vegetables contribution was -0.4 while air tickets and traders’ rice made contributions of -0.2 and -0.1 respectively.  
