How Max-Migold is Disrupting Training Segment of Nigerian FM Industry

Credit: Infoprations Analysis, 2018
Based on analyses, one of the previous arguments has been that companies in Nigerian facility management industry need knowledge workers who will drive knowledge process and solutions. Like what obtainable in developed countries, where FM is being practiced within the knowledge-based component, companies in Nigeria need to train, retrain and up-skill their employees towards promised values delivery.
Equipping employees with the required knowledge and skills is a matter of approaching competent and reliable training establishments. When it is obvious that specific knowledge or skill is lacking, Max-Migold is the right place to be. Since 2006, Max-Migold has been on the mission of providing qualified professionals to FM companies and businesses that prefer internal FM practices.  

Infoprations’ check reveals that Max-Migold’s mission connected with the specific values deliver to her clients. With her over 90 course modules, Max-Migold has provided and still providing tailored training contents to FM, property management teams and professionals. Connecting trained individuals or professionals with companies is one of the disruptive techniques being employed by Max-Migold to fill the knowledge gap in the industry.
