Why Facility Management Companies Must Remove Risk, Increase Value

In the previous analysis, it was established that by 2019, the users of existing FM solutions would be more aggressive in requesting for quality and sustainable solutions as they increase in knowledge and essence of facility management towards cost reduction and operational efficiency.
Infoprations has also discovered that companies in the facility management industry need to remove risk and increase value within acceptable prices. Analysis reveals that people and businesses’ interest in risk and price was higher than the interest they had in value from January 7th to October 21st, 2018. Further analysis reveals that people and businesses’ interest in understanding risk in relation with value and price was at varied degrees.
Analysis indicates that the prevalent risk during the period determined the specific value businesses and people wanted from solutions offered by companies in the FM industry by 18.7%. Analysis equally established that risk responsible for the FM solutions users’ interest in price by 7%.
These insights reflect that companies need to remove risk and increase value. This is imperative because connection among risk, value and price in the eyes of FM solutions users or prospective clients remains complex. There is a need for risk removal from the point of negotiation to the point of delivering solutions. Infoprations believes that this will have a long term benefit on companies’ bottom line.
Failure to explore relationship among risk, value and price before delivering solutions to the clients or explaining existing offerings to the prospective clients would have significant impact on sales generation and conversion.
