Slow Growth as Nigerian Industries Made 21.97% Contribution to GDP in Q3

From the new report on the Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria, it appears that industries are experiencing various challenges, leading to a low contribution to the Q3 GDP. For clarity, the oil sector made a 9.38% contribution to the GDP while non-oil sectors contributed 90.62%. The report indicates that agriculture and services grew by 1.91% and 2.64% respectively, while industries recorded -0.11%.
According to the report “the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 1.81% (year-on-year) in real terms in the third quarter of 2018. Compared to the third quarter of 2017 which recorded a growth of 1.17%, there is an increase of 0.64% points. The second quarter of 2018 had a growth rate of 1.50% showing a rise of 0.31% points. Quarter on quarter, real GDP growth was 9.05%. 

In the quarter under review, aggregate GDP stood at N33, 368,049.14 million in nominal terms. This performance is higher when compared to the third quarter of 2017 which recorded a GDP aggregate of N29, 377,674.03 million thus, presenting a positive year on year nominal growth rate of 13.58%.
This growth rate is higher relative to growth recorded in the third quarter of 2017 by 2.88% points and higher than the preceding quarter by 0.01% points with growth rates of 10.70% and 13.57% respectively.”
