Ramadan: How FM Companies Can Capture 4 Opportunities Using Religious Intelligence

Ramadan involves a lot of activities for Muslims. These activities are usually carried out indoor and outdoor. From the midnight to the day, they are expected to observe compulsory and special prayers. They wake up in the midnight for Suhour (pre-meal) and break the fast early part of the night at homes and mosques in cities and towns.
While doing these, many facilities are used. For instance, observing congregational prayers require the use of water facilities such as pipes. In the mosques, electrical equipment are more used during the prayers. Fans, Air Conditioners and other cooling infrastructure need preventive maintenance to avert excessive heat during the prayers.
Cleaning and waste management are the two other solutions FM companies can market to Muslims. The places for congregational prayers and activities need frequent cleaning to prevent epidemics and ensure healthy living among the people. There is the likelihood of having food wasted because of routine eating.
It is important for the companies’ teams to understand the specific features of the places that will be maintained. Mosques are not designed in the same way. Central mosques usually have more facilities than local mosques.
Knowing the features of each mosque will help the team in appropriating the right methodology for preventive and planned maintenance. Central mosques for Jumat service (Friday Prayer) should be prepared at least a day before the prayer. This is necessary because Muslims prefer getting to the mosques before Imams start sermon. Companies should make sure that female employees are deployed to places where women use. This is imperative because Islam against mingle of female and male.  
