Prologue: Ibadan, Data Economy and the Readiness of Emerging Data Scientists to Shock Other Cities in South West Region

There are many reports and historians’ views on how Ibadan was created. However, what is  common to all of them is that the city was a war camp for warriors coming from Oyo, Ife and Ijebu. Information has it that the city had a forest site and many ranges of hills that offered strategic defence opportunities.
Since the 19th century, Ibadan is no longer building weapon arsenals or allowing people to hide in the hills because of the aggressors. The city has been known as one of the most accommodating cities in the region and Nigeria in general. This has resulted in having people from other ethnic groups in the country and nationals of other countries.
Meanwhile, the recent views of the emerging Data Scientists indicate that the city is ready to key into the global data economy. In the last 10 years, businesses have been reporting, collecting and analysing vast volumes of data.
Emerging Data Scientists during a session
From Abono Ahmed Olanrewaju, the convener of Ibadan AISaturdays, to Olumide Adaramoye, and Ade-Onojobi Oluwadewalade Adebiyi to Owojori Ernest Tolulope, the city cannot be pushed aside where data economy is being debated because the city is becoming a Data Scientists hub as the interest in learning data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence increases.
The question now is; how do we make the data economy work for all in the city? This question would be answered by the Data Scientists from the Ibadan AISaturdays and Infoprations Team in the next article.
