These Online Payment Providers Need to Tweak Their Value Proposition

In the below Exhibit, our analyst examines various sources and views of the users of 6 online payment providers and discovers gaps in their value propositions. With this, the brands need to re-evaluate the propositions as consumers’ demographics and psychographics set to be more dynamic in 2020.
Exhibit 1: The Mapping and the Gap
Value Proposition
Reduce complexity and cost of receiving payments
Early fraud detection at the point of sending and receiving
First Atlantic Commerce
Integrated online presence and fraud protection
Early fraud detection at the point of sending and receiving
Integrated and customization payment solution including low cost fees and ability to make recurring payments
Early fraud detection at the point of sending and receiving, and ability to make recurring payments at reduce cost
Integrated platform that enables transactions across the world; seamless and fast during paying and receiving
Early fraud detection at the point of sending and receiving
Integrated digital payments that ensure money circulation and exchange of value
Early fraud detection at the point of sending and receiving
Bringing freedom and security to everyone
Clog in payment system integration
Source: Multiple, 2019; Infoprations Analysis, 2019
