How FM Companies Can Improve Sales, Understanding, Recognition of the Industry Through Blogging

In one of the previous analyses on the Facility Management Industry Outlook, Infoprations stated that the industry is suffering from public recognition and understanding of the core activities or solutions being provided by companies. In the present analysis, Infoprations discovered that the use of blogging to disseminate values of solutions and creating necessary awareness about the industry by the key players is low.   
From 20 companies examined,   results indicate that 8 companies have blog section on their official websites, where specific information on offerings, trends and issues in the industry are being disseminated to the public.
In terms of content forms and structure, analysis shows that featured articles development, industry news and company activities such as company’s recognition through awards and events are being embraced at the expense of eBook or report, whitepapers or case studies, fact sheets and webinars or videos that have high propensity of increasing clients’ understanding towards purchase and recognition of the industry.  

Whenever the companies published featured articles, analysis reveals that emphasis was on the specific benefits (takeaway) and the need to share the articles with the people on their social network or contacting experts within the companies.
Analysis further indicates that 77.8% of the companies published occasionally.  Finding also shows that the companies had the highest number of posts in 2017, 2016 and 2018 (as at October 14, 2018). Forty-eight posts were found for 2017. In 2016 and 2018, 40 and 26 posts were discovered respectively. The total posts was 144.
These insights have many implications for the industry’s growth, awareness and recognition agenda. Apart from the fact that blogging drives traffic to website towards leads generation and conversion, and establishes authority, it is one of the new media that could be used by the players to correct the impression that the future of the industry is in the hands of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, and other practitioners in the built environment, suggesting that other professions do not subscribe to the notion that the industry is multi-disciplinary in nature.
Infoprations believes that creation of free valuable content in forms of eBook, whitepapers, fact sheets and videos will increase public’s knowledge and understanding of the industry now and in the future.
